pottersues Apr 18, 2003 11:17
ar - martial arts, rating - toxic, sw-o - sparklypoos, b - speshul figure, nts - speshul name, sw-o - quanonreip, pc - not-a-skywalker, bh - golden hair, ship - harry potter/oc, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, e - american, p - crossover, pa - au - alternate backstory mangled, jc - underaged wizard, pa - au doesnt excuse the impossible, pa - au - strange crossover setting, af - wandless magic (child mastery), ct - vampire (part), pc - child genius, ship - voldemort/oc, pw - parent/child, pa - au - canon mangled, #39;t excuse the impossible, sw-o - bitchiwitch, be - green eyes, y - hogwarts years (4 - gof), ap - academic pursuit, ntb - founder titles, ntn - harry potter and the (blank) title, rom - oc (cc other fandom), sw-o - tootsitramp, rom - voldemort, bh - blond/blonde hair, related to voldemort, pw - subject matter not kawaii, ship - draco/oc, al - parselmouth